This Girl Can....
A while ago I was sent a link to the application form to become an ambassador for the This Girl Can Suffolk campaign. I applied and was successful! The role of the 61 ambassadors is to help encourage and motivate other women to take small steps and overcome the barriers to become more active! I have always loved sport but as a working mum it is easy to fill the small amount of time that is available and exercise is often the thing that has to give.... So my pledge as an ambassador is to try to find ways of making exercise part of my daily routine so that I don't miss out! Whether that is walking the dog, cycling the school run, walking up stairs instead of taking the lift, running back from the school run, or doing a HIIT session after everyone's in bed to making the most of organised free sessions like parkrun or great run local! I have free use of the fitness suite at work which I never use so I am going to regain some work life balance and use it at least once a week! Me t...